Property Name= Viewclass Value= Org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jstlview /
Otherwise you will need to provide a matching viewClass ie.
Spring Mvc Tiles Example Javatpoint
Spring提供了两种支持JSP视图的方式 InternalResourceViewResolver会将视图名解析为JSP文 件另外如果在你的JSP页面中使用了JSP标准标签库.

Property name= viewclass value= org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jstlview /. The uri element in the TLD is a unique name for the tag library. It simply has to be a namethe same name you use in the taglib directive.
It does NOT need to represent any actual location path or URL. Thanks for this suggestion. Mapping different view types.
It seems like the view is being resolved to the JSP with no issues but instead of the view being rendered the request is being forwarded to the URL corresponding to the views JSP page and at that point instead of it being rendered the request is picked up again by the DispatcherServlet which has no. Spring自带了13个视图解析器能够将逻辑视图名转换为物理实现 首先将会介绍 InternalResourceViewResolver这个视图解析器一般会用来 解析JSP视图1.
Since JSTL tags are used in JSP so you need your view to resolve to JstlView for that you need to add viewClass property in the bean definition for InternalResourceViewResolver in your DispatcherServlet configuration. It does NOT need to represent any actual location path or URL.
By default InternalResourceViewResolver resolves view names into view objects of type JstlView if the JSTL library ie jstljar is present in the classpathSo you can omit the viewClass property if your views are JSP templates with JSTL tags. JstlView javadoc source javalangObject orgspringframeworkcontextsupportApplicationObjectSupport org. The dwrremote element is the element that will expose the bean to dwr.
Step 3 Configure Spring creators - In the above configuration we expose it directly as spring beans eg. Unfortunately Ive tried this with no difference in results.
Read more »Labels: orgspringframeworkwebservletviewjstlview, property, value, viewclass