Utah Property Tax Exemption For Disabled Veterans
A disabled veteran in Utah may receive a property tax exemption on hisher primary residence if the veteran is 10 percent or more disabled as a result of service. Details of the Veteran with a Disability Tax Relief program can be found here under Veteran with a Disability Exemption.
This tax break may also apply for unmarried surviving spouses and surviving dependent children.

Utah property tax exemption for disabled veterans. For members of active or reserve compo-nents of the US. Veterans disability rating must be at least 10. A Utah permanent place-of-residence property tax exemption equivalent to the military service-connected disability rating percentage is provided for disabled veterans or for their unremarried widows or minor orphans.
A Utah permanent place-of-residence property tax abatement that uses the VAs percentage-rating for a service-connected disability is available for disabled Veterans or for their un-remarried widows or minor orphans. DISABLED VETERAN PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT. For purposes of the veterans with a disability exemption and the blind exemption the taxable value of tangible personal property subject to a uniform fee under Section 59-2-4051 59-2-4052 and 59-2-4053 is to be calculated by dividing the uniform fee the tangible personal property is subject to by 015.
Utah Property Tax Exemption. 266670 is maximum total exemption allowed in 2020 per Disabled Veteran. Utah Disabled Veteran Property Tax Abatement.
Information is available in the County Clerk-Auditors Office. Armed Forces who perform qualifying active-duty military service. Disabled vets with a VA rating of 10 or higher who reside in Utah may qualify for a property tax exemption on a primary residence.
59-2-1104 1105 ARMED FORCES PROPERTY TAX. Veterans having 100 disability may apply an exemption of 275699 to their. This exemption is available to veterans disabled in military service their unmarried surviving spouse or minor orphans.
The amount of the exemption is based on the maximum allowable amount determined by the legislature each year and is modified according to the percentage of disability. Veterans with a Disability Exemption Eligibility This exemption is available to veterans disabled in military service at least 10 percent disability their unmarried sur-viving spouse or minor orphans. The State provides a property tax exemption.
If your disability rating is 10. The Veterans disability rating must be at least 10 in order to qualify for this abatement. Utah state law maintains that in such cases the maximum taxable value of a property is 260370.
Obtain an exemption of up to 275699 of the assessed value of your primary residence andor tangible personal property automobiles recreational vehicles boats trailers motorcycles etc based on a percentage of your disability incurred in the line of duty. Veteran with a Disability Property Tax Exemption Application UCA 59 -2 1903 and 1904 Form PT-030 Rev. The maximum reduction in your homes appraised value is 275699 this changes.
After which it will automatically renew each year. Disabled Veterans only have to file for the. In order to qualify for the Veteran Armed Forces Tax Exemption with a disability or Veteran Armed Forces Spouse Tax Exemption with a disability.
The maximum taxable value of a property is 271736 and the veteran must be 100 percent disabled. There must be a service-connected disability rating of 10 - 100. Utah law allows Utah residents four types of property tax relief.
The percentage cap is subject to change but here is the formula. 275699 is maximum total exemption allowed in 2021 per Disabled Veteran. Utah State Property Tax Abatement for Qualifying Disabled Veterans Those with a minimum 10 VA-rated disability may qualify for a tax abatement benefit for permanent place-of-residence property tax abatement.
The maximum property tax abatement is 271736. If your disability rating is 30then your total exemption. Click here to download the Application.
UC 59-2-1104 1105 The exemption is up to 266670 of taxable value of a residence based on. If your disability rating is 10then your total exemption allowed is 27570. Disabled veterans qualify for a reduction in property tax.
Exemption Amount The exemption is up to 275699 of taxable value of a residence based on the percentage of disability incurred. 120 The deadline for filing this application with your county of residence is September 1 Section 1 Claimant Information Claimants last name Claimants first. No exemption is allowed for a disability less than 10.
Disabled Veterans ClerkAuditors Office If you are a Veteran with a disability letter from the Veterans Administration you may be eligible for tax relief on your personal property vehicles trailers etc and on your primary residence. The home or vehicles must be in the applicants name as of September 1st of the current year. If your disability rating is 20then your total exemption allowed is 55140.
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